Scenarios is an Animated Series, which focuses on many different types of Scenarios that different animated characters in the series will encounter. In this particular episode, called "Scenarios-Ep.-1" subtitled-"Unexpected Turn of Events". Is meant to be a light hearted comedy, poking fun at flatulence. As many people in life can relate to. However, these two had the un-fortunate fate, after dining out a day before the 4th of July. They were invited to a beach party, but did not realize until after they settled into the beach party that they had chronic gas, brought on by food poisoning from the restaurant they had previously eaten at. This video showcases my first time ever using (DID), to animate my characters speaking, everything from the Narrator Named "Billy Payne" all the way to the star characters, I used "DID) in order to make them talk, but I created my own voice overs. None the less This just shows the Power of the (D-iD) tool. So if you want to have a good laugh, check this one out! lol